Preserving Memories: Photo Organization and Restoration

Do you have boxes of photos collecting dust?

Jenny Stackle, Director of Photo Organization and Preservation says, “It’s a special experience working with a client’s memories; I get to see weddings, vacations, graduations, the birth of their children, and everything in between. For some clients, I get to know them over decades of their lives. I feel a connection and fondness for each family; nothing compares.”

Two recent photo projects we completed included helping a grieving family cull photos from multiple locations, scan old photos and albums, and create a memorial slide show and album.

We also completed the restoration of old disintegrating albums and digitization of boxes of loose photos.
Another client was moving into a senior community from the home she’d lived in for more than 50 years. Surrounded by photos and shelves of albums the family wanted to both duplicate the albums, create a digital slideshow with a larger screen than she had and turn these photos into a work of art. We found just the right way to display them and backed up all the family albums onto an external hard drive.

Organizing and preserving these photos accomplishes several goals – it frees up space for other things, it allows these photos to be shared among family members and most importantly, it stops the disintegration of these photos which have about 125 years of life.

If you are sitting with these photos and aren’t sure where to begin, we can help.

Silver Linings Transitions offers photo organization and duplication of old photos and slides. For any services we don’t provide, we can connect you with the resources you need to duplicate and preserve these photos and films.

To learn more